About Me

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I'm Annie! I'm happily married and have a little monster of my own running around! I live life one day at a time with a smile on my face! The color orange describes me perfectly. I am facsinated by tattoos. Lacrosse is my favorite sport, I support the Colorado Mammoth 100%! I crochet for a living. I make all sorts of things, but my main product is hats!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 1

Welcome to my blog! Today starts day 1.

It hasn't been any different than most of my days lately! I'm on a mission to lose weight right now so I normally start my day with weighing myself. Some days I like it more than others, but its the motivation I need to watch the number drop :) As of today, I started the Special K 2 week challenge. We shall see how it goes! I need to get to the grocery store some time today so I can pick up some protein bars. For the past couple weeks, I have been really watching what I eat and making a good effort to work out at least 30 minutes a day. Counting calories is not fun, but it has made me realize how many I used to consume a day. I think going on a diet is helping my husband realize how much pop he actually drinks a day... A few nights ago he decided from now on, he's only drinking diet. I won't complain!

I need to get a few hats done today, for the demos to take to the merchandise people! Can't go into too much detail about this right now, but just know, I'M FREAKING EXCITED!!

Time to get off the computer and start my day, considering its almost 1:45!

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