My pain all started on Sunday. I didn't really think too much of it, just thought it was normal cramps. Monday is when the problems started... I was passing blood clots the size of plums. I called Brandon into the bathroom to see what I should do and to show him what was going on... He had no idea, but since we were going to see his mom later in the day, he suggested I talk to her about it. I pulled her to the side and asked what I should do in this situation. She said as soon as class was over, we were all going to eat dinner and she would be dropping me off at the emergency room. She took Brandon back to her house so he could get the car and meet me back at the hospital.
So here I am, in the emergency room all alone. I hate this place. I have spent too much of my life at the hospital. At least Brandon text me the whole time. He truly loves me and I'm so thankful I have him in my life. I noticed that my blood pressure was a little low, which is odd for me. The doctors didn't seem too worried about it though, so I didn't make a big deal about it. Brandon finally got back and as he gets there, a male nurse came in to start an IV. I warned him that I have very deep veins and asked if he could start the IV in my hand. I hate when they do it in my elbow. He looked at my left arm first, didn't find anything in my elbow so I told him to check my hand... Nothing. He moves on over to my right arm and finds nothing. Nothing at all. At this point I'm irritated. 10 freaking minutes checking my arms and you can't find one freakin vein? Come on guy, what school did you go to? I can find veins faster and better than you with my eyes closed! Next comes the really nice pregnant lady. She found a vein in less than a minute and before I could ask her to do it in my hand, she already had it in. They took 4 tubes of blood for labs and then put the actual IV in. I was then informed I was being taken upstairs to ultrasound. Brandon came with me and held my hand lol. I was being examined for almost 30 minutes. Most of it was internal ultrasound and last 5 minutes or so was an outside ultrasound. I asked her what she saw while she was doing it and all she said was a couple cysts. I didn't really think much of it, I've had cysts before and they normally just go away. So back downstairs I go to sit and wait some more. One of the doctors came in and told me what the ultrasound showed. I have a large complex blood filled cyst on my right ovary. I had no idea what to think. They finally brought me some pain medicine. At this time, Brandon had to run out front to get Gavin. Brandon's mom was watching him for us, but she was on her way to the airport so she brought him by the hospital so we could go home when I was done. By the time Brandon and Gavin got back to my room, I was signing my discharge slips and waiting for my prescriptions. I was told that I needed to follow up with my doctor within 48 hours.
Fast forward to Thursday. I finally got an appointment at my doctor office. I went in and explained what happened. I was basically told that right now, we're going to wait a week to see if my pain goes away. She said that if I'm still in pain by next week, to call back and come back into the office. We'll get another ultrasound done and see where we're at. She's hesitant to remove it, considering my medical history. So I'm hoping that there is some kind of medication to fix this problem.
I just want to be healthy again. I'm tired of constantly feeling sick. It's not normal to feel nauseous constantly. I never imagined when I got my IUD taken out that I would be dealing with all this before I got pregnant. I'm the type of person that wants insta-results lol, I was hoping that we would be pregnant around Christmas time. Its not like we've been trying for that long, I just had my IUD removed in August, I just hate waiting!
Enough whining for me for the day. I need to get motivated to do laundry!
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